Foreign Publications

Monthly magazine, published in


»VENNEN« Articles in Danish, German and English. Subscriptions, $3.50 by regular mail, $4.50 first class sealed Address: Vennen, Postbox 809, Kobenhavn Ø, Denmark.



Quarterly (Aug.-Nov.-Feb.-May). Publishe‹ by Dr. A. P. Pillay, O.B.E., M.B.B.S. Whiteway Building, Bombay 1, India Subscription rates in North America $4. year, $1.50 per single copy, postpaid (Payable in advance).

Der Ring Der Weg

Monthly in German.


Subscriptions are $5 per year. Address: Der Ring, Bodtgerstrasse 14, Hamburg 13, Germany. Monthly in German, with some English. Subscriptions should be addressed to Der Weg zu Freundschaft und Toleranz, Colon-

naden, 5, Hamburg 36, Germany.

I.C.S.E. newsletter

(6 times per year) Mimeographed news organ of the International Committee for Sexual Equality, English edition Address, Postbox 542, Amsterdam,

Subscription, $3.00 per year. Holland.

Monthly magazine in Dutch. Subendschap scription $4 per year. Published


by Cultuur en Ontspanningscentrum, Postbox 1564, Amsterdam, Holland.

Monthly literary and scientific review. Articles in French, some English. Subscriptions $9 per year. Address: Arcadię, c/o Cercle de France, 162 Rue Jeanne d'Arc, Paris XIIIe, France.

FUTUR Illustrated journal, standard newspaper format. General news, scientific and literary articles in French. Monthly. Regular subscription, $3 per year; first class sealed, $3.50. Address: Futur, 57 Rue de Clichy. Paris IX, France.


Monthly magazine in French, English, German. Subscription $7 regular mail, $11 first class, per year. Address: Der Kreis, Postbox 547, Fraumunster, Zurich 22, Switzerland.


Before ordering Publications Listed Above....

PLEASE NOTE: Persons subscribing to the above publications must obtain international bank drafts or money. orders negotiable in the foreign country concerned. Where no subscription price is listed, advance inquiry by airmail, enclosing unstamped self-addressed envelope is recommended. The Mattachine Review assumes no responsibility on behalf of any organization or publication listed above.

mattachine REVIEW

Quotable Quotes

Every great and commanding movement in the annals of the world is the triumph of enthusiasm. Nothing great was ever achieved without it.-Emerson

A man would do nothing, if he waited until he could do it so well that no one would find fault with what he had done.-J. H. Newman

"YELLOW BO0K" of General Information---

The history, organizational structure, aims and principles and operation of the Mattachine Society are told in a 16page general information booklet. It's called "The Mat tachine Sotiety Today." Send 25 cents for your copy the Board of Directors, Mattachine Society, Inc., P.O. Box 1925, Los Angeles 53, Calif.


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